The blog version of Give Blood Magazine, est. 1972

Is it me, or is it my vision?

My photo
My first memory is of losing my glasses. Had they not been found, folded carefully on the top edge of the sea wall, where would we be today?

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Stephen M. Skaar 2007, Acrylic on Canvas, 35” x 57”
(Click image to enlarge)

Just as Dr. Zeier had promised, every new painting became better, more “fluent,” as the therapy continued and my augmented language centers begin to fire on their own. After only six weeks, the CAT scans showed a substantially enlarged medulla, the new stem cells growing well.

At this point I had already processed multiple messages from departed kin, past identities, god, what-have-you, John Malkovich, and the math guy that worked for the CIA in his garage.

Ironically, until this final series of injections, I had never channeled JZ himself. Three sessions are represented here:

  • Better Baroques, “acid-baroque” without the acid.
  • Headline, read all about it!
  • Chromosomy, with homage to the crazy creatures in Stephen Jay Gould’s “Wonderful Life”

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