The blog version of Give Blood Magazine, est. 1972

Is it me, or is it my vision?

My photo
My first memory is of losing my glasses. Had they not been found, folded carefully on the top edge of the sea wall, where would we be today?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Cassandra Moment

all week on Facebook I had been alerting my friends to my status:
  • Steve is ... preparing to herd cats
  • Steve is ... actively herding cats
  • Steve is ... writhing in delirium from cat-scratch fever
Cassandra was cursed with prophecy and no one believed her
I have been doomed to read my own future yet remain oblivious to it
an explanation for these bites and scratches, the blood that flowed
as I seized the young kitten to steal her fertility
her alarm fully justified, her response successful
a sensation much like the second time I stopped a dogfight
by inserting my hand into a fanged mouth
a sense of destiny fulfilled and profound chagrin
not to mention making matters worse

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Faridah Zayla said...
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