The blog version of Give Blood Magazine, est. 1972

Is it me, or is it my vision?

My photo
My first memory is of losing my glasses. Had they not been found, folded carefully on the top edge of the sea wall, where would we be today?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dude, where's my car?!

The second time is easier.

About a half-mile away, a couple years ago, also while walking the dogs, the Altima was abducted. This time they left another stolen car behind in the parking lot of the Berkeley marina. Aren't I entitled by law to keep that one? I'm just pissed that I finally fixed that gas leak a few days ago...that set of brand new Costco tires...

Betsy's back! The thieves traded up, took her through the Caldecott tunnel to the burbs, dead-ending at the Fry's Electronics in Concord. "Thank you for choosing Fry's!" the cashier tells me, I explain that I'm shopping there because my car has been abandoned in the parking lot. "That's SO weird," she says, "Someone stole my boss Scott's car from right out in front, just this morning..." Be on the alert! Bonnie and Clyde may be headed your way!

I took it as a sign that I hadn't been out to see Mark for too long, I drove "Betsy," as she has now been named, through some twisted geography from Concord to Walnut Creek. He and David were both home, David learning long division and 4th grade chinese, and "contractions" ("I can't, I won't, I oughtenta") Eileen not yet back from work. She's teaching Chinese on Saturdays now besides her job.

But actually we had all rendezvoused in Montana the month before, so that was real nice, I'd sworn him into my High School reunion, he was the year afterwards. He told me all about their car trip back through the wilds of Yellowstone Park and Wyoming. Sounds like they had a great time.

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