The blog version of Give Blood Magazine, est. 1972

Is it me, or is it my vision?

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My first memory is of losing my glasses. Had they not been found, folded carefully on the top edge of the sea wall, where would we be today?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Do spiders eat chicken?

Do spiders eat chicken?

We were sitting in the front room eating an 8-piece Kentucky Fried. I left to get a beer, and when I returned was dismayed to see that my pal Joey had disgorged a huge pile of biscuits and slime in the middle of the rug. Personally, I usually try to make it to the bathroom, but dogs are not as refined as apes.

I can deal with dog vomit with aplomb, and I have the technology. Still, the resemblance of this incident to the recent SF Bay oil spill should be noted, with wads of absorbent material required, a few environmental hazards left behind, a kidney-shaped blotch moistening the carpet.

Lest we remain unaware of the complexities of our bioverse, I left to get another beer, my fourth, and returned to stand momentarily in front of my chair, we were watching Andy Griffith in "A Face in the Crowd." It's a dramatic movie, I was deep into the TV screen, suddenly startled by the leg waving silhouette of a spider descending on a strand past the bridge of my nose. How novel! But business was being done, this pale arachnid was after the puke. Descending like Neil Armstrong, conducting a moonwalk to obtain a boulder of whitemeat, blasting back into silk-string orbit. I watched this repeated three times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No way!!???!! blaargh.

Does this indicate a sped-up evolutionary process in which American spiders, like their human counterparts, have divorced themselves from the necessity of hunting meat in the wild? Perhaps a new, unseen fastfood nation is living in the corners of our houses.

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